
Spring 2024 Programs

Please join us for the following programs which will be only IN-PERSON or only ZOOM due to technical limitation. programs. Through a special and gracious arrangement with the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, we will meet on the Church Campus at 4015 Normandy, Dallas, Texas.

We are excited about this new and recently re-modeled venue and would like to supply some additional information to make us easy to find on this campus. First, please enter the building from Normandy. Those doors are close to the Parlor area where we will meet.

February 9-10, 2024, James Hollis

James Hollis

James Hollis, Ph.D, is a Jungian Analyst in Washington, DC, and author of sixteen books, the latest being Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times. AB, Manchester University, Ph.D, Drew University, Diplomate, Jung Institute, Zurich.

February 9, 2024, James Hollis, Ph.D.

Friday, February 9, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

A ZOOM ONLY PRESENTATION: Happiness: Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

We are enjoined to be happy. But what is happiness? Does it ever fall under our control, or are we at the mercy of the unknown forces within and without us? This talk explores our expectations regarding happiness and the role that not being happy plays in our experiencing happiness. What does it mean when we are not "happy"? Have we failed at something. What is the balance between happiness and suffering? What if "meaning" is often found in the areas least happy for us? What if "happiness" is found most often in the places which demand sacrifice and surrender. Together we will explore the popular expectation that we are supposed to be happy here and reframe the conversation in terms of meaning: happiness is transient and contextual; meaning abides and makes all things worthwhile.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Hollis’s presentation with audience questions on Friday, February 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $20.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

A ZOOM ONLY WORKSHOP: What we can Still Learn from Depth Psychology

February 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m. to Noon

Jung, Freud, and others left us with a rich tradition of depth psychology. What is depth psychology, and how does it differ from other modalities? What are the chief insights into the human condition from which we may still profit? How can we grow from engaging our loneliness? What is the place of the Shadow in the conduct of a thoughtful life? What are the tools which our psyche provides us for self-governance? This combination presentation/workshop will explore ideas and practical aspects of analytic psychology that deepen our journeys and provide us the tools for a larger spiritual life. While we cannot always solve the problems of life, we may find that we can outgrow them and live more richly in the presence of them.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Hollis’ workshop with audience questions on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $40.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 2.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

March 8-9, 2024, Dennis Patrick Slattery

Dennis Patrick Slattery

Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. is Distinguished Emeritus Professor in the Mythological Studies Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has been teaching for 55 years, including 27 years at Pacifica. He is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of 33 volumes and has published dozens of articles, book reviews and over 50 blogs on his website on topics of mythology, poetry, cultural issues, writing and creativity. He taught student inmates at a state penitentiary in California using Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He also paints in acrylic, watercolor and gauche. Website:

Presentation: A Pilgrimage from Haunting to Healing: A Personal Narrative

Friday, March 8, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

James Hollis’ excellent study, Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives, has been my foundation for exploring this topic. Uncovering where those situations, individuals and conditions haunt us is essential for our individuation pilgrimage. Hauntings are also mythic, for they embody our beliefs, values, assumptions, and feelings. Hauntings can awaken us to the places that have been unattended, discarded or ignored. This lecture will take the form of my personal narrative that outlines hauntings that shaped my life for decades. Hauntings are archetypal, so their lifespan can stretch across an entire life. Yet, paradoxically, the ghosts that haunt us can open opportunities for our further creative development.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the power of hauntings that have contributed to the mythmaking dimension of one’s life.
  • Discern how our personal narrative can uncover hauntings that one may not have realized were enforcing certain thought and feeling patterns as well as behaviors.
  • Recognize what in our narrative might hauntings reveal of occasions for healing

$20 Non-member, $15 Member, $10 Student
1.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 6:30 p.m.
Complimentary Snacks and Wine

Workshop: Coming to Terms with Our Own Major Hauntings

Saturday, March 9, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Through 10–12-minute cursive writing meditations, we will explore:

  • When we give a major haunting in our lives shape through creative writing, we cease attempting to discard or drive out these presences and shift to hosting what haunts them.
  • Discover that where our deepest wounds hibernate within us is the same terrain in which our hauntings contain their most potent energy.
  • To become more deeply and fully aware, through a writing meditation using active imagination, what the voice and imagination of our haunting may share to shift our perspective from dispelling ghosts to guesting them.

Attendees should bring pen and paper for this workshop.

$40 Non-member, $35 Member, $10 Student
2.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 9:00 a.m.
Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Coffee

April 12-13, 2024, Dean Schlecht

Dean Schlecht

Dean Schlecht, M.Div. is a former Catholic priest and the retired manager of a 19-bed psychiatric crisis respite facility in Eugene, Oregon. Before moving to Eugene in 1999, he was an LMFT with practices in Oklahoma City and Irving, Texas. He currently maintains a private practice offering spiritual direction. He served as President of the Oklahoma City C.G. Jung Study Group from 1983 through 1988 and has offered numerous workshops and retreats.

April 12-13 , 2024, Dean Schlecht, M.Div.

Friday, April 12, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Presentation: Ego, Complexes and the Multiplicity Within

  • Usually, we think of ourselves as singular entities. Generally, that is not the case. A major aspect of our unconscious which Jung called the Personal Unconscious is typically populated with Complexes. These exist on a spectrum from fully autonomous ego states to repetitive inclinations toward self-limiting or destructive choices. They arise out of unresolved painful emotions, generated by trauma, most often in childhood. To the degree that the ego itself is rigid or egocentric, it is just another Complex, albeit the most dominant one.
  • Jung said that our great task in life is to become who we most authentically are. He called this process Individuation. The essence of Individuation is the integration of all our complexes into a receptive, open flowing ego in which we are no longer driven internally and live firmly grounded in the Self.

$20 Non-member, $15 Member, $10 Student
1.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 6:30 p.m.
Complimentary Snacks and Wine

Certificates of Attendance may be picked up at the meeting.

Workshop: Approaching the Ego, Complexes and the Multiplicity therein through Active Imagination as a Catalyst for Transformation

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Moving from theory to practice, the Saturday Workshop will demonstrate how to encounter and work with Complexes using Active Imagination. Those who wish will be given an opportunity to share their experience and receive my feedback.

$40 Non-member, $35 Member, $10 Student
2.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 9:00 a.m.
Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Coffee

Certificates of Attendance may be picked up at the meeting.

May 3-4, 2024, Juliette Rohde-Brown

Juliette Rohde-Brown

Juliet Rohde-Brown, Ph.D., is Chair of the Depth Psychology: Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices doctoral specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute and a licensed clinical psychologist. Her book, book chapters, and journal articles are on topics such as forgiveness, imagery, families and disability, the child archetype, and spiritual practice, among others.

Presentation: The Child Archetype as Creator

Friday, May 3, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The Child archetype is considered a psychological presence that fosters creativity and relationality. The capacity for integrating the shadow aspect of human nature is a crucial psychological solution for reducing harmful biases and projections that negatively impact the emergent potential of the archetypal presence of the Child, along with the experience of actual children. A Jungian perspective reveals a wound: the forgetting, through abuse or neglect, of the human relationship with the divine child archetype. With the remembering of the archetypal child in mind, this presentation emphasizes engaging with transpersonal forces that serve what Jung believed to be the religious function of the psyche. Jungian practitioners in community-based endeavors strive through arts-based practices to facilitate the integration of shadow aspects. In addition, they employ methods that seek to decolonize minoritized and marginalized frameworks and thereby promote multiple ways of knowing.

$20 Non-member, $15 Member, $10 Student
1.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 6:30 p.m.
Complimentary Snacks and Wine

Workshop: Facilitating the Emergence of the Divine Child

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

In this workshop, we will explore some movement and intuitive writing and drawing as a kind of divination practice to facilitate an opening to engagement with the child archetype. Considerations and discussion will emerge concerning how the workshop exercises bring insight into personal and collective questions and impact therapeutic practice.

$40 Non-member, $35 Member, $10 Student
2.5 Hours of Continuing Education.
Registration Begins at 9:00 a.m.
Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Coffee